My Daddy My Hero My Friend

Created by Linda 11 years ago
My Daddy My Hero My Friend God gave me an Angel here on earth. God gave me my Daddy. God gave him choice he astrayed and became a sinner. Daddy became a troubled soul because he forgot about God. Daddy thought he walked alone in this world. Oh Daddy forgot that when he had hard times, turmoil and beaten by the world is when God carried him through it all. When he only say one set of footprints and couldn’t see the light. Is when Daddy thought God did not love him. He asked God “Why do you hate me so? Why am I alone?” God replied “ Oh Winston you are my child I love you for I carry you through it. You never walk alone for I am with you. All you need to do is ask and you shall receive.” My Daddy was a Farmer most of his life. He made a poor man’s dollar.People would say he was no good for nothing and he was worthless. Yes my Daddy could seem bitter-hearted cold and cruel but people made him that way. No Daddy wasn’t perfect but who is other than God. For if we where all perfect we wouldn’t be here on earth. You ask how is such a man my Daddy.Well he was the only man that was there to be a Daddy. Daddy taught me right from wrong,discipline, respect for myself and others.Held me when I was sick and scared. Gave me encouragement to grow. Daddy’s hands where hard as steel when I done wrong. But Daddy’s hands where as gentle as love when I was good to. He taught me how to make things. Taught me how to survive in the world. You ask how is such a man my Hero. Well he gave me life a chance to strive. I stand before you today I’m living proof of some of the work he has done on earth. He saved me and others from Death. My Daddy has helped many along his journey of life. He wasn’t a bad person at all. You ask how is such a man my Friend. Daddy gave me advice when I needed it. He enjoyed my company. We talked about everything. Daddy never told Momma on me when I was doing wrong. My crazy ideas he made them seem possible. Now it has come to the end of Daddy’s journey here on earth. Before it ended he did ask God for forgiveness. God must of forgiven him because he is in his Heavenly Home with God and my Dear Momma. He read the Bible and reunited with his true Father in such a way as we all will someday. Daddy no longer will you suffer, you are whole and new again. Now I’ll carry your legacy with me and pass it on to your greatgrandchildren. God must of really needed you Home to take you. This is our Temporary Home until we go Home. I love you Daddy!!! I’ll miss you but I know there’s Holes in the Floor of Heaven and your watching upon us here on earth. So Daddy you go REST IN PEACE because we’ll be ok down here. I know you Saw the Light. Someday we’ll meet again. So it’s not good-bye my Antique. God must have a bigger plan. Now I’ll do my best Filling Your Shoes. Hope I make you Proud Daddy!!! Love ya Daddy later your little Girl Linda xoxoxoxoxoxoxo